Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 457

Chapter 457


Chapter 457: Conquered by Pig Innards

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Shen strode purposefully into his office, the people he passed along the way greeting him respectfully with a chorus of Good day, Brother Shen! Their eyes were filled with gratitude.

Word had spread throughout the factory about Ah Zhuangs dismissal. Everyone knew why he had been let go, and the incident served as a wake-up call for many, especially those working in the pig farm. They had learned a valuable lesson from the sidelines, and it was seen as a good thing.

In the pigsty, a few workers chatted idly as they cleaned. One of them remarked, Ah Zhuang really didnt know how to be grateful. The villagers are also baffling. Do you know what some of them are saying?

Theyre saying that the Su family doesnt care about relationships. Its laughable. Theyve provided livelihoods for so many people in this area. An employee makes a mistake and gets fired, and somehow its Brother Shens fault?

Another worker chimed in, Well, they didnt exactly blame Brother Shen. Theyre saying that Ah Zhuang has been working here for so long, and his dismissal was too ruthless. Theyre pointing fingers at our sister-in-law, saying that Brother Shen doesnt make decisions alone now that hes married. Ignore them, theyre just sour.

Exactly. When Brother Shen was looking for a wife, they were against it. Now that our sister-in-law is here and things are going well, theyre green with envy. Its all the idle chatter of those women.

Most of the factory workers didnt pay attention to such talk. Everyone knew that those who spread such rumors were the ones who wanted to work at the pig farm but couldnt. They were content with their jobs at the factory and didnt want to end up like Ah Zhuang, jobless. Only a fool would take such words to heart!

Just as the conversation was winding down, a booming male voice echoed, As long as you know, just work hard and honestly in the factory. Dont harbor any ill intentions, and everyone will benefit. Thats what smart people do. Dont follow Ah Zhuangs example. He was led astray.

Upon seeing that it was Jin Long, the workers greeted him with laughter, Jin Long is back! We know, dont worry.

Jin Long was quite the gossip. Even when he wasnt at the factory, he always managed to quickly catch up on what had happened during his absence.

Jin Long responded with a thumbs-up, rolled up his sleeves, and joined them in their work. By the time they finished, Jin Longs stomach was growling with hunger. As he entered the dining hall, he saw everyone gathered around, eating and drinking. He immediately joined them, asking, What are you all eating? Can I have some?

Though Jin Long held a managerial position, he was known for his affability and knack for getting along well with everyone.

Everyone was aware that he was single, living alone without anyone to care for him. Therefore, they were always more than happy to share their food and drinks with him, knowing he would never take advantage of their generosity.

A man accompanying Jin Long to the hall said, Youve missed out on the first taste of this delicious dish while you were away. This is braised pork, made by the Lin family. They say its Gu Zis secret recipe. Its so fragrant and tasty, its divine when paired with a drink!

After speaking, the man retrieved his lunch box, which still contained some braised pig heart.

He handed the lunch box over, saying, Try a piece. I guarantee youve never tasted braised pork this good in your life.

Without any hesitation, Jin Long took a piece and began to chew. A few bites in, he straightened his back, a smile creeping up at the corners of his mouth. He felt as though his soul had been shaken by the taste.

He took another piece from someone elses box and asked, What part of the pig is this? Its so delicious when braised. The texture is simply amazing!

Someone answered him, Brother Jin Long, youre not going to believe it, but these are all braised pig offal. This bowl contains pig heart and liver, this one pig lungs, and this one pig intestines. Speaking of which, would you like to try the pig intestines? Theyre the best, they even burst with juice, and the soup is incredibly rich.

Upon hearing this, Jin Long felt a buzz in his head. Of course, his sister-in-law was planning to sell pig offal. So, this was the taste she was going for?

Holding his chopsticks, his hand trembled slightly as he inexplicably picked up a piece of pig intestine and placed it in his mouth.

He slowly released his breath, a rich aroma invading his senses. After a few chews, he detected no strange taste. The processed pig intestines were left with only the meaty aroma, which was even more enticing than that of pork. He felt as though his soul had been elevated.

He was astounded. Pig offal could be this delicious? His sister-in-law must be a fairy! He never imagined there would come a day when he would be conquered by pig offal.

